Motorcycle Riding and Its Effects

It has been proven through studies that hobbies help improve our lives in many ways. The same goes for motorcycle riding. Yes, it’s good for you physically and mentally because, in the end, it is a hobby and a hobby like no other indeed. Motorcycle riding is a very fun activity but it comes with many other perks too which add to a better you in the future. Below are the things affected by motorcycle riding. 1. Focus In today's modern world people struggle to keep their minds focused on one spot. Being limited to some social media apps has caught us in a bad way. If you want to know its effects go here. So, to keep your focus together you need to learn to fixate it on one place. Riding a bike does that job perfectly. While riding the rider has to be active all the time. In a car, you may doze but not on a motorcycle. It requires you to remain vigilant and aware of many things like the way the road leads to, oncoming traffic, speed limit, how the bike is going, etc. These might sound...

Tips to Flawlessly Manage Your Instagram Followers

Tips to Flawlessly Manage Your Instagram Followers

It’s nice to see those Instagram alerts saying your business has a new follower. While the feeling might not get old, the thought of knowing how to easily manage your Instagram followers might be daunting.

Don’t let that love for a new follower grow stale. As a business, you want to continually see new customers interacting and engaging with your Instagram account. Whether it’s an awesome visual theme, great videos, or like-worthy images, something drove the user to your account.

Now your job is to effectively manage and engage with your new audience to keep them coming back for more content. Whether you’re already up and running or just getting started, follow these nine tips to manage Instagram followers effectively:

1. Only Post Your Best Instagram Content

You don’t need to post every picture or video you take on Instagram. In order to build a reputation as a brand people want to follow, try to only post your best content. So if you’re debating where to post that amazing video you just recorded, think of Instagram first.

If you only post content that is of the highest quality, you have a better chance to convert followers into brand loyalists. And high quality could simply mean your content is well-edited, interesting, timely, and on-brand. Every single post matches their brand, even when there are no products mentioned. Urban consistently posts its best content, which entices followers to share and engage. There’s a visual theme and the quality never strays.

2. Create an Instagram Community

Successfully managing your Instagram followers allows you to build a community of loyal users. These followers help you more often than you think. In fact, a Nielsen report discovered the No. 1 source of trustworthy advertising was friends and family recommendations.

An effective Instagram community not only engages with its followers but encourages users to share or tag others in their content. If you look at Bleacher Report’s Instagram following, hundreds of comments exist on nearly every piece of content.

3. Analyze Your Core Demographic

Building a community is important, but it’s also necessary to know who you’re bringing together. Do research into your Instagram users to see things like gender, age, income, education, interests, location, and relationship status. These demographics provide massive insights into who follows you and who you should target for the future.

With demographic analysis from Sprout, it’s simple to monitor your Instagram’s top engaged influencers. This gives clarity to some of your most significant followers.

4. Measure What Content Resonates

Once you know your target demographic, it’s time to see what content resonates with them. Do your followers like videos? How well do they engage with product shots or stock photography? No two audiences are identical.
The best way to find out what your audience likes is to do some content analysis. It’ll give you some great insights into your most engaging posts, as well as help you build a better Instagram content strategy for the future. Trying to please all your Instagram followers is nearly impossible. The goal is to share content that resonates with as many as possible.

5. Try New Instagram Features

After you’ve unraveled some details about the content your audience enjoys, you should have a better understanding of what to post. However, some of the new features on Instagram could help you engage with your followers even more.

For example, Instagram Live was recently released to more countries outside the US to gain exposure. This live broadcasting feature allows you to connect with followers on an intimate and behind-the-scenes level.
Some brands might be nervous to do live broadcasting, but that’s alright. Instagram Stories provides another avenue for brands to post content. Much like Snapchat, the Stories feature allows users to add content for short viewing times that gets erased after a 24-hour period.

6. Be Easy to Find

Your Instagram content needs to be easily searchable, shareable, and in the correct spaces. Now with more than 600 million active users, you want to make sure you’re getting as much exposure as possible.

This will help bring in users and provide current followers with your whereabouts. Maybe a user found your profile through the explore feature and liked your content without following you. Getting in front of them again could be the turning point to turn a follower into a customer.

It’s best practice to optimize your Instagram profile to gain exposure and be searchable for anyone looking for your brand. The same Simply Measured report discovered 86% of the top brands around the world have Instagram accounts.

Ensure your username is simple, short, and easy to find on Instagram’s search features. The competition is only growing.

7. Create Brand Awareness with Hashtags

A great way to centralize or even expand your brand is through hashtags. On one hand, hashtags create exposure when you use generic terms like #winter, #staywarm, or #cozy.

8. Monitor Your Comments

One of the most important parts of managing your Instagram followers is being active in your comments. When a follower takes the time to leave a comment, the worst thing you can do is let it go ignored. Dig in and start replying.

As your Instagram following grows and you receive more comments, it’s difficult to manage it all within the Instagram app. It’s even more difficult for agencies or brands that handle multiple profiles. If you notice a certain follower tends to reply to all of your posts, you may want to get in touch with them to offer a special promotion or send them some company swag. If you can make your audience feel heard and appreciated, managing your Instagram followers becomes much easier.

9. Get Context on Your Followers

If you have hundreds or thousands of followers, it’s difficult to recall who everyone is. Having some additional context about your users and your brand’s relationship with them can be extremely helpful for customer service or even lead generation.

Having contact information makes it easier to address customer service issues, and follow up with potential leads. This is particularly helpful for any users you frequently interact with, or potential sales leads. It all goes back to building strong relationships with your followers.

Start Building Your Base

It all starts with that single person who follows your brand. Building, managing, and maintaining a good follower base has obvious benefits. When you increase the trust of followers in your brand, you’re more likely to see these users turn into customers.

Always remember to engage and build a real following through great content and customer interactions.


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